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Why PE Firms Need a Data Strategy

Why PE Firms Need a Data Strategy

For private equity firms, data forms the foundation from which opportunities are uncovered, decisions made and competitive advantages built. A robust strategy for the collection, structure and maintenance of data should therefore be of critical importance… but is all too often neglected or completely ignored.

MJ Hudson - PERACS Deal Marks Yet Another Acquisition in the Private Equity Software Space

MJ Hudson - PERACS Deal Marks Yet Another Acquisition in the Private Equity Software Space

MJ Hudson's private equity fundraising and fund due diligence software push continues with the PERACS acquisition. We analyze previous data and analytics acquisitions and evaluate how these tools can work together to streamline fundraising.

Bain & Company Acquires Sutton Place Strategies, Accelerating its Push into Private Equity Data and Analytics

Bain & Company Acquires Sutton Place Strategies, Accelerating its Push into Private Equity Data and Analytics

Bain & Company acquires Sutton Place Strategies, adding to its list of acquisitions and partnerships in the private equity space and further expanding upon its traditional consulting capabilities through data and analytics.