Relationship Intelligence

Private Equity Front Office Solutions Map - Sourcing Deals and Raising Funds

Private Equity Front Office Solutions Map - Sourcing Deals and Raising Funds

PE Stack's solutions map shows all private equity and venture capital specialized technology, software and data vendors providing services in the CRM and wider front office space alongside concise descriptions of the different technologies being used in this area.

Affinity adds Pitchbook Integration

Affinity, a leading relationship intelligence platform (click here to view our primer on Relationship Intelligence) today announced a new integration with Pitchbook, a leading provider of financial data and technology.

Users of Affinity will now be able to see additional investor and company data directly on the Affinity platform, allowing for:

  • Companies: Get information on the industry, location, demographics, financing, assets under management, and more on both public and private companies.

  • Investors: Review details on a company’s investors and assess fund performance to gauge their experience.

  • Funding: Explore granular funding data, including funding type, amount, date, and post-money valuation.

If you are an Affinity user (full disclaimer, PE Stack uses Affinity and we love it) then you won’t need any further explanation. But for the uninitiated , here’s why this integration is so important.

Affinity helps its users to understand relationships and improve business development and outreach through its intelligent mapping and prediction models. Adding sources of third party data allows for:

  • More intelligent outreach: through allowing users to better understand a target company’s current situation with funding, financial status etc.

  • The discovery of new and adjacent routes to forming relationships: by seeing which companies worked with other companies. For example, discovering and then leveraging existing relationships with investors in a target company to gain warm introductions.

  • Saving valuable time: by eliminating the need to have two platforms open at the same time, searching via two different platforms, manually importing information.

In order to access the data, users will need access to both platforms.

For more information on Affinity, Pitchbook, and other data and relationship intelligence tools, please view our free Vendor Profiles platform, or give us a call at our Los Angeles office - +1 818 964 1576

Relationship Intelligence - Sector In Focus

We have seen a lot of interest in relationship intelligence tools for private equity and venture capital in 2019, it's one of the most commonly viewed solution types on our platform.

This speaks volumes of current market conditions and how competitive areas such as fundraising and deal-sourcing have become. Relationship intelligence has the potential to quickly add significant value to these activities and more, with an implementation process that is relatively painless and some truly innovative and exciting new platforms being launched in the past few years.

With some help from leading industry experts we put together a three-page Sector Focus report to help our users better understand the key features and value-adds. We are grateful to our contributors from RelSci, Affinity and 4Degrees.

Click here to download

If you'd like to learn more about this area, you can view full profiles for relationship intelligence platforms on our Vendor Profiles platform. It contains detailed information on over 125 software, data and network providers in the private equity and venture capital space. Or give us a call and we'd delighted to help you achieve a best-practice technology stack.